June 21st, Launch of new website www.forbiddenmusicregained.org

10 juni, 2017

On June 21st, a dream will come true: the launch of a new website with information, repertoire, 1500 scores and sound samples. It’s a database with music by 35 Dutch composers, who were persecuted during WWII. Their music couldn’t be performed during the war. After the war the music was neglected and soon forgotten. We will proudly present the results of 21 years of research.
Amsterdam, Uilenburger Synagoge, Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 91.
The day starts with an international symposium at 10.00 AM
(reservations: secretariaat@leosmit.org). OFFICIAL LAUNCH AT 4.00 PM

Opening by Jacob Kohnstamm, president of the Leo Smit Stichting
Lectures by Abram de Swaan (sociologist), Frank van Vree (director NIOD), Emile Schrijver (director Joods Historisch Museum), Eleonore Pameijer (founder and artistic director Leo Smit Stichting), Albrecht Dümling (founder of Musica Reanimata, Berlijn), Norbert Meyn (singer, professor at the Royal College of Music, London), Nicole Ristov (LexM, University of Hamburg), Volker Ahmels and Friederike Haufe (Festival Verfemte Musik, Schwerin).
Launch of the new website www.forbiddenmusicregained.org
by Kajsa Ollongren, deputy mayor of Amsteram at 4.00 PM
Music by Eleonore Pameijer-flute & Marcel Worms-piano, Deborah Nemko-piano, Volker Ahmels & Friederike Haufe-piano duo: compositions by Marius Flothuis, Daniel Belinfante, Leo Smit and Dick Kattenburg