Museum Domburg 25 years, August 15, Special Concert Badpaviljoen

14 augustus, 2019

On August 15, we’ll give a special concert for the Marie Tak van Poortvliet Museum in Domburg. The museum celebrates 25 active and succesful years. Francisca van Vloten and Arnold van Houtum
have chosen a wonderful location: The Badpaviljoen.
We’ll present a program around Clara Schumann for her 200th year of birth.
Elise Schumann, the daughter of Clara and Robert Schumann was maried to
Louis Sommerhoff. The Sommerhoff family owned a beautiful mansion in Domburg.
Eleonore Pameijer-flute, Irene Maessen-soprano, Reinild Mees-piano
Works by Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, Johannes Brahms,
Alma Mahler, Gustav Mahler and Jan Brandts Buijs.