
BBC Music Magazine
…Flautist Eleonore Pameijer has done a sterling job in assembling
such a fascinating collections of recordings, and bringing to light
a number of works from the first half of the 20th century that deserve
far wider dissemination. Erik Levi

Algemeen Dagblad
…superb performance, energetic radiance…

…lively, perfect and impeccable…
Intelligent application of Baroque techniques.

…extremely delicate execution, excellent performance…

NRC Handelsblad
…exceptional recital, intense interpretation, maximum effort, virtuosity, dazzling technique, impressive sound.

Brabants Dagblad
Eleonore Pameyer has a lot to say musically. With her beautiful tone, she deeply moved the audience.

Pierre Guillaumount (France)
Eleonore Pameyer is gifted with a very pure sound and great musicality…
great suppleness, sensibility and impeccable virtuosity…

Karl Rober Danler (Munich)
…excellent instrumentalist…a wonderful, young flautist…

CD Magazine Luister about the CD “Treasures”
…The performances by Marcel Worms and Eleonore Pameijer couldn’t be better, this CD is highly recommended…

NRC Handelsblad about the CD “Reveries”
…The music sounds natural and concentrated. The performance of the Sonata by Francis Poulenc is very convincing and greatly moving…

Trouw and Haarlems Dagblad about Hooglied:
a garden of passion in Theatrical Hooglied…

Eleonore Pameijer’s wonderful flute sound embraces the voice of tenor Marcel Beekman like the
arms of a lover…

a splendid love affair between the exuberance of the flute and the deep emotion of the voice…

Het Parool about Telemann’s Fantasies:
…original and interesting idea…fascinating stylistic confrontation…
Telemann is top–notch and inventive…

Nijmeegs Dagblad
…Eleonore Pameyer is a sensible artist…exceptional technique, exquisite tone and flair…wonderfully varied palet…effortless, virtuosic and poetic…extraordinary music, varied in form and content, never palling…

NRC Handelsblad
…Telemann’s Fantasies are jewels…22 compositions in one evening are not too much…vivacious and energetic flute playing…legato points of rest are of intense beauty and lyrical inspiration…

Telemann CD of the week…Not only is it the wonderful idea that makes this CD so attractive, it is Pameyer’s flautistic qualities as well …heartily recommended!

AD Haagsche Courant
…charming, flowing, expressive playing…this project has greatly enriched the flute repertoire…the performance cannot be praised highly enough…